First year committee

The first year committee is a committee that consists entirely of first year students. The first year committee organises one of the biggest parties of the year - the whole nine yards.

The first year committee is a perfect committee for those freshmen who want to know how they can become active within AEGEE-Enschede. Here you can learn how committees work and what the tasks and division of roles entail. Of course, you do not get started without any help; someone from the council is there to assist you. It’s also a good opportunity to see how our office works. You organise, consult and cooperate with other bodies of the association in order to guarantee the success of the party. In addition, you get a great kick out of seeing how so many people go crazy at ‘your’ party!

Chiel Verstappen - President
Bram Denkers - Secretary
Orla Rispens - Treasurer
Floortje van der Geest - Logistics
Arina van Rijswijk - External
Steven van Dokkum - Promo
Timo Haarman - Board Responsible